Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some good stuff

The internet is a huge place, but it's amazing sometimes how information overlaps. Like the way molecules produce heat when agitated.

I was looking around some favorite haunts and found some fun in the boat shed. That's Gavin Atkin's site. A very interesting stop. Recently he wrote about the pending sale of a sailing canoe in Britain.

It turns out that this decked canoe is a modern version of George Holmes’ racing canoe Ethel. If you remember, that was the inspiration for John Weiss' Nord Vinden (see previous Doryman posts). The two boats are very alike as you might imagine, though this boat is rigged as a sloop.

The plot thickens. Gavin's post was a link to the Albert Strange Association and it's ASA technical secretary Rick Powell who has reluctantly decided to sell his 15 foot sailing canoe Sara, due to poor health. I have a lot of empathy for Rick. He's rarely sailed his creation. Hopefully he will find that one person who truly deserves such a great boat.

Dick Wynne, the editor of the ASA website has also written recently about the 50 foot Albert Strange yacht, Betty once left for scrap in a boatyard in Brookings, Oregon (just south of here). Locals have wondered what might happen to this winner of the 1927 Fastnet Race and thanks to these guys in London, now we know.

These two sites are exceptional resources and I recommend them heartily.

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