DoryMan Index

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Viking Boat

Could someone please tell me where I found this photo? I set it as my desktop photo some time back and think it's one of the prettiest boats I've ever seen. I remember it's a replica, possibly built recently, but have lost track of where it came from.

Simply exquisite.


  1. Hello Doryman

    I'm Hakan Ericsson a Viking in excile now living in Murcia Spain.
    I have chatted with Ben (Onawind Blues Captain)once i a while and its on his blog I found you. If you like the small wiking ship follow this link and you will find the real thing. You will find me on if you like. I'm too busy to build a boat in my underground shipyard(the garage) to make any bloging but I would like to do that later./HE

  2. Hakan,
    Welcome and I would like to hear more of your underground shipyard, if you get some time.
    I have heard of the Viking Ship Museum. Very impressive indeed!

  3. Nice research and good work.
    Please take some time to visit mine....More About vikings
