DoryMan Index

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sailing the Valgerda

Been anticipating this for a long time, it seems. A little over a year.

The Valgerda, Saga, restored to more than her former self proudly spreads her wings. (Follow the previous link to see the development of this project and more.)

There is a good bit of serendipity in the recreation of this design by William Atkin. A former owner added an extension to the design keel and Doryman redesigned the sail rig, so successful engineering was potentially compromised by too many cooks in the broth.

But I'm happy to report that Saga sails all points with grace. The balanced lug is new for me, so I'm still struggling with it's vagaries. Each tack has it's unique quirks. The boat has a sensitive and responsive helm, even in light airs and points much higher to windward than I expected, a fact I attribute to my friend Lynne Fabricant and her exceptional sail-making skills. The helm is in perfect balance on 8-12 knot breeze. What more could a Doryman ask?

My good friend John Kohnen, who sold me this fine old boat, is appalled at the keel extension and even calls it an "abomination". Sorry John, the keel stays as it is. Couldn't be happier.

Why mess with perfection?

There are still some details to adjust but that is half the fun. The Norse faering, Saga, promises to feature in many future adventures here on DoryMan.

Saga under Sail from doryman on Vimeo.

Photos on Flickr.


  1. that is a lovely setting sail and boat to match

  2. Good morning, Max!
    I'm just finishing this post. It's just about midnight here and I was just thinking that my friends in the UK might be at work by now.
    Was the video up when you dropped by? Mary really outdid herself with this one.

  3. What a treat to see her under sail. I particularly like the sounds and the closest pass past the camera. Your Spring there looks like our Fall (Autumn).
    Love that boat.

  4. I'm impressed by her ability to make way over the ground against the apparent current. But what's that ugly black lump on the starboard quarter, Svarte Pietr?


  5. What beautiful lines she has. And that sail - the size, shape, and color - is a perfect compliment. Well done, Doryman.

  6. Rob,
    You had to say that didn't you?! About the weather I mean. This year promises to be a repeat of last, which was cool and damp. I'm beginning to grow gills.

  7. Ok Glenn,
    I knew I'd take some heat about the motor and I'm happy it's you. No more, nor less than I expect or deserve.
    I remain blissfully ignorant about marine motors and my naivety caught me out yesterday. I went down to the docks hoping to sail but the weather was blustery. I hung around for a while and finally decided to fire up the stone horse and putt up river to see if I could find a more protected spot. The motor is a 3.5hp with a little gas tank in the top. I looked in there and there seemed to be quite a bit of gas left, but... you might already be getting the drift.
    I motored for a short way against wind and tide when suddenly I heard that distinctive sound of a motor running on fumes. I'm sitting on a lee shore and the wind is still kicking. Out goes the anchor while I sat and wondered what to do. The sails seemed the only option, but it was apparent that if I set sail and pulled up my anchor, I'd be on the shore in a heartbeat. Remember that at this point I have not sailed this boat and did not know how she might respond. Just as I'm about to haul on the halyard the first boat I've seen all day roars into view and I'm saved.
    Going to have to find a way to supplement that tiny tank, if I am to cruise the Inside Passage as planned!

  8. Robert - I sure hope our Spring isn't leading right into Autumn! We did have a week of sunshine and warmer (mid-60's F) temperatures, which was all we got last year...

  9. Hey Michael! Looking good!
    The guy on the yellow motorcycle honking an waving was one of my friends who thought you were me. The funny thing is he's only seen my boat in the garage. Those Valgerdas are pretty distinctive.

    Sorry I missed the inaugural sail.

  10. The motorcycle guy was a puzzle. I had just set my anchor on a lee shore lined with huge boulders (that I have had intimate discussions with in the past) and wondering what the heck I was going to do now. Even if he had a gallon of gas in a suitable container, I doubt he could throw it 150 ft.. When the fellow came by with some petrol and by the time I looked, your friend had gone.
