DoryMan Index

Monday, June 6, 2011

Standard Quay on Faversham Creek

It appears that the shipwrights of Standard Quay will soon be out of work. Many people in Faversham think the old trades are worth saving but progress (if it can be called that) has an opposing view.
From this distance it appears that the recent development on the waterfront in Faversham considers the old Quay an eyesore. The developers see an opportunity to replace the dry docks and workshops with boutiques and restaurants.

I am not an opponent of change, nor do I revere tradition for it's own sake. But to abolish and destroy a way of life in the name of commerce is criminal. We have witnessed this transition the world over. The new bulldozes the old. If humans had always thought this way we would have no history, no culture. And if this sort of thinking continues our history and our culture will be soon buried in the dust.

I've said it before - surely the developers could have made an effort to find a way to rejuvenate the old Quay, keep it's history intact and still line their pockets!

There is still time to voice your opinion but time is running out for Standard Quay.

The Quay (work in progress) from Richard Fleury on Vimeo.

The end is approaching rapidly for many of those who have built their working lives around Standard Quay. Meanwhile Swale Borough Council is seeking public opinions on its latest consultant’s report which recommends:
1. Allowing developers to turn quay buildings currently occupied by maritime industries to be turned into shops, restaurants and potentially housing.
2. Downgrading flood designation to make Creekside land more attractive to developers.
3. Ruling out the use of a Compulsory Purchase Order to put quayside land into community or trust ownership.
4. Writing off any chance of reopening the creek sluice gates and making the Creek Basin accessible for large vessels.

If you disagree with these proposals, please write to Swale Borough Council and express your views BEFORE THE 24 JUNE DEADLINE (Coincidentally, this is also the day many of the quay’s maritime businesses leave the site).

Photos courtesy of Giacomo de Stefano


  1. Thank you Michael!!
    Please help this precious heritage to be saved.
    Do not give up!

    Every little helps

    Giacomo De Stefano

  2. oh NO! come here and see what 'progress' has wrought! —it will set you slipping backwards fast. You will regret losing your knowledge of traditional shipbuilding and waterfront; we sorely do here in NYC. As we work on shipping regional food by water (and by sail,) we find ourselves with no where to tie up in front of all the condos, and with almost no one here who knows how to load breakbulk anymore. And no ships. Mixed use waterfront is key. But don't lose a working waterfront! you'll be soooooo sorry! we are!
