DoryMan Index

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Neap Tide

It was a gorgeous summer weekend for a boat show. This year's Toledo Wooden Boat Show was the seventh annual and the best yet. An amazing number of people come to the Oregon coast for this August event and the slideshow will demonstrate why.

Please enjoy!

Doryman's friends Claire and Bob were there to show us how to row a faering. Come on, Bob - Give me 20!

The Doryman Song, by Scott Kirby. Courtesy of Dave Calhoun. Thanks Dave!
Video produced by Mary McCall. Thank you, Mary!

Rowing the Faering, Ravn from doryman on Vimeo.

Brandon is the proud winner of the "People's Choice" award for his beautiful Ravn.
Doryman rows over to offer congratulations! Couldn't have chosen a better man, nor boat.

The seventh annual Toledo (Oregon) Wooden Boat Show was a huge success, right here in Doryman's home port.

The DoryMan blog has logged over 200,000 visitors, as of yesterday. Thank you all for stopping by and please come back soon!


  1. It was a wonderful show.

    And kudos on reaching 200,000 visitors; it's one of the great boating blogs.


  2. Thank you, Phil - The success of this blog is due to people like you, who take on such great projects.
