So, I get this e-mail from Chris Perkins, which is always a delight. He has news from Leckmelm, Scotland that is right on-topic.

Apparently Dan Johnson and Charlotte Watters are building a brand new Badger dory from Jay Benford's design, in the old Cow Shed on the Loch Broom.
Dan says: "The ‘Badger’ has long been a boat of interest to us. When looking at the construction plans in detail, with a view to build, I became convinced. It looked like it should be fast and economical to construct and so far has proven to be so. I plan to do everything myself from casting the keel to sewing the sails".

This new Badger will be the same junk rigged dory design that has earned international acclaim. Nice job, Dan and Charlotte!

In further news, Adrian Morgan is putting finishing touches on a traditionally built Iain Oughtred Tammie Norrie. Adrian has strong views of what constitutes a well built boat and often uses his own work as a bench mark. He will find no argument from me, though I hear that he has stooped so low as to use plywood on this one. If so, he has a lot of explaining to do!

More about Adrian's Tammie Norrie soon...

And... up there in the rafters of the Cow Shed is a very strange looking Merry Wherry.
This may be the best story of all.

Chris Duff made an effort this last summer to row from Scotland to Iceland in his modified Merry Wherry, which has to qualify for pure crazy. The weather was against Chris from the start and he will make another attempt next year. I can relate to Chris' sentiment when he decided to return to Scotland:
"The northern winds that have slowed me down all the way from Thurso to north Shetland have finally quit - now that I have decided to head south, of course. The south winds that I could have used all the way north have now developed and have been on the bow, slowing or stopping me completely as I head south."

So his boat rests and waits here in the rafters, in a land where summer is fleeting and gorgeous, for another day, another attempt at conquering the northern Atlantic, solo, in a diminutive boat.

Photos from the cow shed courtesy of Chris Perkins.
Tammie Norrie stem close-up by Adrian Morgan (what a beauty! Adrian is an artist)
Photos of Badger courtesy of Dan Johnson and Charlotte Watters.
and thank you, Chris Duff. You are an inspiration!
Since Chris took those photos, progress has been swift with knees and stem, plus centreboard, rudder and various other bits and pieces finished.
You can see more photos of the Tammie Norrie on my blog thetroublewitholdboats.blogspot.com
NB the only use for plywood that I could find was as one half of the transom, the idea being that it imparted stiffness and the mahogany looks quite realistic. The inside face is larch, to match the interior, so a compromise.
A ha glad you like the dory build - the cow shed is a most entertaining place to work - full of fine craftsmen!! Just been away all summer sailing in the Arctic so progress has been slow (sailing is as important as building - im sure you will agree ;) made a good start on the masts and will post some pics when i can..
all the best
Perfect! I am really interested in live aboard. Any tips on how can I start my dream?
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