DoryMan Index

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rosie Splashes in Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon, US is called the "City of Roses" and has a huge rose garden overlooking the city and the Willamette River, which runs through it. Roses can be found everywhere in Portland this time of year.

The Willamette River was the scene last Saturday for the launch of Rosie, the second St Ayles Skiff to hit the water in the US and the 26th boat to be built from this hugely popular one-design, worldwide.

The women's red scarves recall Rosie the Riveter, an icon from WWII celebrating the women whos manual labor kept the US economy alive while the men were fighting.
This team of women are from the first class to build a boat in the newly formed, not-for-profit, Wind and Oar Boat School - the first boat for the School and the first boat for the women, most of whom had never built anything in their lives.

I have said many times that building boats builds community, builds character and brings out the best in people. Here is the proof.

The new boat was christened with pure water, to avoid contributing to the industrial pollution of this old working river.

I have had the privilege of being a consultant on this project, but please don't tell anyone that I had hoped, from the first, to be allowed to row the finished boat.

My dream came true Saturday. You are witness to one very happy Doryman.

Thank you, Wind and Oar Boat School and thank you, Rosies!

Good Luck and may the Wind be always at your Back!

Rosie was launched at the Willamette Sailing Club, just upriver from downtown Portland.

Mary made up this video of the launch.
The first musical piece is "Preludio" by Archangelo Corelli.

The second tune is "The Skye Boat Song" a traditional Scottish song played by solo flute. This traditional Scottish song recalls the escape of the young pretender Charles Edward Stewart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) after his defeat at Culloden in 1746. Aided by Flora MacDonald, Prince Charles escaped to the Isle of Skye in a small boat, in the disguise of a maid-servant.
"The Skye Boat Song" was first published in 1884, with lyrics written by Sir Harold Boulton to an air collected by Miss Annie MacLeod in the 1870s. It is said that Miss MacLeod was on a trip to the Isle of Skye and was being rowed over Loch Coruisk when the rowers broke into a Gaelic rowing song called “Cuachag nan Craobh” (The Cuckoo in the Grove). She set down only what she remembered of the air when she arrived at her destination, and this is probably why, while the first half of the tune is actually believed to be an old sea shanty, the other half is traditionally attributed to Miss MacLeod.

The third song is "Rosie the Riveter" by The Tillers, a group based in Cincinnati.

Launching "Rosie" at the Willamette Sailing Club from doryman on Vimeo.

And if you haven't had enough, here is the slideshow:


  1. Very nice! Wish I could have been there.

  2. Well done, she looks fantastic.

    Adam Graham
    Royal West of Scotland ABC

  3. I agree! Now we have to get more of these boats built around here and promote some races.
