DoryMan Index

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Doryman's Boatyard

The weather has shifted in the last few days to the winter rains. It's been a dramatic transition this year and it was a very fine October for sewing up last minute details. It's rare, so close to the northeast Pacific Ocean, to have good weather this late in the year. I'm so grateful.

When the monsoon season arrives, it's futile to do much boat building. The temperatures are warm by inland standards, but the dew point is nominally only one or two degrees below the temperature. If you've ever put paint on wood on a promising day, only to immediately feel the dew condensing, you know what I mean. If it's forty degrees with 98% humidity, forget it.

While putting projects to bed for the winter, I've taken stock of the changes in Doryman's boatyard. Apparently the last time I did this was almost two years ago.

A few boats have come and gone since then.

Last summer the Culler Good Little Skiff Paku went to a new home not far from here, so hopefully we'll see her from time to time. She may well be my favorite boat of all time.

The rowing shell, Pintail also sold, so you can see that in the rowboat category, there is a nagging need. And big shoes to fill.
Some hot new developments in the offing.
(Offing: The more distant sea, as seen from the shore).

The Sam Devlin Egret that has languished here for two years has gone home with my friend Lou to finish. He was working out a rigging plan within moments of taking possession.
We'll hear more about that soon, I hope.

So what's new, Doryman?

Mark and his brother, Pope brought over a Sam Rabl Titmouse that needs a lot of attention. I have high hopes for this little boat. She's not a high performance vessel by any means, but has beautiful lines. At the moment, this project will have to wait until the weather warms up and dries out.

Of course there is the fabulous faering, Saga, which has proven to be a wonderful gunkholing boat. There are plans in the works to improve her livability because she and I are going to have a lot of fun together.
Here, we're catching the front of a wave, heading downwind in 20-25 knots. (Play that sheet, Doryman!)

Shipwright extraordinaire, Rick Johnson and I began a little lapstrake pram at the Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show and Crab Feed in April of 2010, as a demonstration of how to lay-up clinker planks on a round bottom. The following year at the same show we demonstrated how to steam bend and rivet oak frames using this same boat.
This fall I found some time to finish the detailing and what a cute little tender she is!

Though most of the summer was spent maintainancing the dory Mistral, the lingering fall gave me a chance to work on the Star class racing sailboat in the 'yard. This boat will be offered for sale next spring, after I've had a chance to refurbish her masts and rigging. More about this racing machine soon...

Mary spent quite a bit of time this year sprucing up the Culler Wherry Yawlboat, Lamb Chop, which is a real head-turner.

You've seen Doryman rowing this lovely sprit-rigged schooner's tender on the header of this blog.

There are more changes afoot, so please stay tuned.


  1. Stars always intrigued me. I never sailed on a keelboat as a younger person, yet there were these hard-chined, big dinghies that always seemed to be around where my Dad and I were sailing. Huge sail area and the crew could all but disappear down in the cockpit. Olympic class to boot. Cool I say. And it always seemed that the two guys that were sailing them were big and burly. No surprise that I felt a connection.

  2. I've wanted one of these for maybe thirty years. That is, thirty years ago I wanted one of these, but never had one.
    This boat has come to me through bad debt and my love of the class. If a boat appeals to me on a visceral level (so many do...) it must be saved. Like many of the orphans that have come through here, it is well taken care of and very close to being back on the circuit. In fact, you could own this fine boat, it would suit you.

    I deliver.

  3. You gotta love that Titmouse - might not be fast but she looks lovely.

    Don't believe I've ever seen a star class on the water over here, we're missing out.

  4. The Titmouse and the Star define opposite ends of the sailing spectrum. One is beamy and comfortable and the other is slim and temperamental.
    The Titmouse has two sets of sheets and the Star has (I don't know how many) control lines for maximum confusion. On a similar waterline.
    I would never pit one against the other in a race.

    We'll take a closer look at the Star soon. This one is a beauty from the '60's. She's built of spruce planks a foot wide.

  5. Does the Star almost look like a long Comet with a bulb keel?

  6. Or is a Comet like a Star with a centerboard:

    The Star has long overhangs and probably doesn't have much longer static waterline than a Comet, though it's six feet longer. Same hull shape.

  7. What a pretty little lapstrake dinghy! You didn't mention the design, length, construction material. Needs a sailing rig (or maybe you didn't want to mess with the aesthetics by putting in a daggerboard case). I've always wanted to do a plywood lapstrake something or other.

    As far as wooden Stars, Skip Etchells of Classic Moth fame was known to build one of the best.

  8. The lapstrake pram is from an old Rudder magazine and is simply called a round-bottom pram. The designer was Jeffery Prout.
    It is just under eight feet, a measurement defined by common lumber. It has no scarphs or joinery. There was a center mould set up on a strongback plank of given dimensions. The size of the transoms were defined, but had to be lofted. The transoms are then anchored to the strongback and laying up planks begins. The builder decides how many planks per side and divides the curve of the frame plus each transom by that number, leaving the shear plank wider by a couple inches (once the shearguard is added, the shear plank should still appear wider than the rest.) The shape of the shear is determined by eye.
    The frames were bent using a steam tube:
    Lots of fun.

    There is a new post up about the Star - if you have anything to add, please do.

  9. I forgot to mention - the transoms are an African teak called Makore. The planks are meranti mahogany plywood (6mm), the frames are Oregon white oak and the thwart + braces are Apitong.
    The planks are first glued with 5200 marine caulk, then riveted with copper rivets and roves
    More pictures here:
