Sam Rabl is one of my favorite designers. Especially his designs for home builders. If you've been around here for a while, you may remember that my first fixed keeled boat was a Picaroon designed by Sam.

A Doryman reader wrote to me a while back to remind me that Sam Rabl also designed a slightly bigger boat built in plywood called a Polaris. He also had some questions about details, so I asked another faithful reader, who's an excellent historian, to do some research.

We are talking about a seaworthy boat here and even though Sam claims you can build it in your backyard does not mean it's simple. This is a boat for a serious sailor and will take you anywhere you want to go.

But first you'll have to pick your sail rig. Here we have no less than four options, including a hermaphrodite brig.

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A timeless design. The 24 foot Polaris.

Hi Michael. What a beautiful little boat. Just my style. How could they have missed the gaff sloop rig for which the hull so longingly screams out.
Maybe there's too much lee helm and a ketch was the best he could do.
I understand the Bugeye was a Sam specialty. I've always liked a rig with that extreme rake.
You could build one of these in short order, Paul.
A 24' hermaprodite brig. And I thought I was a tweezwe for thinking about a tops'l for Sparrow!
You'll need more ballast. I volunteer.
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