DoryMan Index

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Core Sound 17

Simple, Beautiful, Functional, Versatile.

While rowing around Fort Worden in Port Townsend last month, suddenly there is a perfectly balanced two masted rig bearing down on the little wherry yawlboat carrying Doryman. In an attempt to remain on friendly terms with the natives, he calls out cheerfully,
"What kind of boat is that?".

A gruff and hearty voice says;

"The boat is a Core Sound 17 (hull #157) designed by B&B Yachts and built by Jan Nicolaisen in 2008."

"While the boat may look old fashioned, the hull is rather light and planes easily.
It's built of stitch and glue plywood with some custom features providing a more traditional appearance."

"With a very full bow and sitting on the bench seats behind the cockpit combing, the boat feels big for seventeen feet."

"The standard design calls for aluminum masts and sails with battens, but this boat has solid wood masts and sails without battens. I’ve hit 6+ knots reefed and reaching and about 8 knots downwind - all while feeling secure and under control."

"I’m still getting used to the cat ketch rig and like it even more as I learn how to handle it. It is particularly well behaved sailing down wind and easy to tack since there is no jib to handle. I can rig and launch in about 20 minutes which means I often slip out for just a few hours."

"My," thinks Doryman, "this is a friendly fellow -
and it's no wonder, to be sailing such a fine vessel in easy weather!"

It turns out the fellow is Randy Jones, and he is indeed a likable guy, with lots of good things to say about his Core Sound cat ketch.

Next time, Doryman will be shamelessly begging for a ride to test the trim of that twin rig for himself...

Core Sound 17
LOA .................. 17' 0"
BEAM ................ 5' 10"
DRAFT .............. 7.5" & 3' 6"
SAIL AREA ....... 119 sq. ft.
HULL WEIGHT .. 350 - 400 lbs
SAILING WEIGHT 1000 lbs @DWL w/crew and gear

Core Sound 20
LOA ................. 20' 0"
BEAM ............... 6' 3"
DRAFT ............. 8" & 3' 9"
SAIL AREA ....... 155 sq. ft.
BOAT WEIGHT .. 500 - 600 lbs
SAILING WEIGHT 1300 lbs @DWL w/crew and gear


  1. I've been thinking about building one of these for a few years now - other projects keep getting in the way. Everything I hear about the simple ketch rig is good.

    Great pictures


  2. Max,
    The rig seems a little undersized, which makes for better handling solo. But no one could complain about eight knots and planing!
    The 20' would be a lot of boat.

  3. Jan,
    Do you have a connection to this boat?
