DoryMan Index

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

St. Ayles Skiff Launched at Anstruther

On the 31st of October, the celebrated St. Ayles Skiff was officially launched. Doryman has been avidly following the progress of this endeavor, though on the official launch day, he was drifting on his favorite local river, oblivious to the rest of the world. Perhaps dreaming of his own St. Alyes skiff, who knows?

It's a good thing Chris Perkins is on the job and thanks to him we have a welcome update with some great shots and videos of the event.
Luminaries from the The Scottish Fisheries Museum, local builders, designers and enthusiasts were present for the official launch and as may be expected, everyone was anxious to try the sleek new craft.

More information on the Scottish Coastal Rowing Project and the launch of the prototype skiff -

and more about the next St. Ayles Skiff in progress... This concept has spread like wild fire!

In the last photo, that's designer Iain in the second position.

Just for grins, this veteran crew decided on a true sea trial, over the vocal objections of builder Alec. That man has a voice! I'm sure he has confidence in the seaworthiness of his craft, but is concerned for liability reasons.
As you can see, the boat is doing what a well designed and expertly crafted boat is suppose to do, and in expert hands, obviously in it's element.

It's almost enough to prompt a man to move to Scotland...

Thanks to Chris Perkins for keeping us all informed and graciously providing us with his fine photos and videos. (please respect Mr. Perkin's copyright).
And thanks to Alec Jordan for conceiving of a project so rife with possibility. And to all those who's dedication to this project has made so much happen in such a short time; Cheers!

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