DoryMan Index

Monday, March 1, 2010

Clean Water

"The Clean Water Act was intended to end dangerous water pollution by regulating every major polluter. But today, regulators may be unable to prosecute as many as half of the nation’s largest known polluters because officials lack jurisdiction or because proving jurisdiction would be overwhelmingly difficult or time consuming..."

"...Companies that have spilled oil, carcinogens and dangerous bacteria into lakes, rivers and other waters are not being prosecuted, according to Environmental Protection Agency regulators working on those cases, who estimate that more than 1,500 major pollution investigations have been discontinued or shelved in the last four years..."

"...The Supreme Court rulings causing these problems focused on language in the Clean Water Act that limited it to “the discharge of pollutants into the navigable waters” of the United States. For decades, “navigable waters” was broadly interpreted by regulators to include many large wetlands and streams that connected to major rivers..."

New York Times

Here in the US for the last thirty years, there has been a battle waging over water quality. The public wants and needs good clean water, which should come as a surprise to no one.

Industry considers water an expendable resource in the quest for profits. Apparently government agrees, as is evident from recent rulings from the Supreme Court.

When the pollution of our water systems reaches critical mass (and some say that has already happened), all will suffer and tax payers will be called upon to "bail-out" big business once again.

The Clean Water Act was intended to force accountability on industry for the degradation of our environment.

Why should polluting industries be allowed to sacrifice water quality for profits?

Because millions are spent on lobbyists to insure that industry has free reign with our water. Now the supreme court of the land is on the take too.

This story courtesy of Charles Duhigg of the New York Times. Mr. Duhigg has written a series of articles on the degradation of our water systems.

How's this one: Debating How Much Weed Killer Is Safe in Your Water Glass?

DoryMan says:

(thanks for keeping us honest, bonnie!)


  1. Fantastic post. The toxic water series has been fantastic. What boggles my mind in this country is the fascination and genuflecting to the Lawn. It's amazing (horrifying) to watch what people dump onto their lawns and into their soil with no regard to local watersheds or sometimes, their very own wells, or their downhill neighbors (aka me). Quick fun personal fact: As a professional pilot, I have the ability to look down at the suburbs and communities from NYC down to Washington, at a nice low altitude. Early springtime is best, because I can enjoy all the different chemically enhanced lawn colors that are out there, delineated by hard borders at the property boundary lines! Bright green, fluorescent green, solid green, and every once in a while, the natural pale green straw mix from someone who doesn't feel like dumping chemicals all over their lawn. I am sure their neighbors despise them. What a scourge to our water, our health, the insects and pollinators we depend on, our wallets... and for what? A chemical waste zone that is a fabricated color?

  2. Here in Oregon many thousands of acres of fertile farm land have been given over to the production of lawn grass seed and turf. Fifty years ago we produced all the food for this state - and more - right here, but we now import our food.
    So, for miles all you can see are the fields of grass, all in colors not found in nature.

    And not a weed in sight...

    Since all the good farm land is on the flood plain, where does the poison go?

    Claiming that the chemicals used to defoliate and then to fertilize are not toxic is simply a lie.

  3. These sort of boats are what my husband and I really like. We have a Drascombe Coaster - you can see a movie I made on it on

    Thanks for your advice about my blog page. I know I can change the template easily but like my present template and just want to stretch the page.

  4. Welcome, Bunty and thanks for the video of your Drascombe Coaster!
    Quite the capable cruiser, I've heard. Nice song, too!
    If you want a custom blog, you'll have to learn some code. I like your blog the way it is.

  5. Thanks for posting this.
    I agree the Toxic Waters series has been excellent.

  6. Have a look at this site
    It's in Italian but there are some nice pics. The site is about racing Latine rigged traditional boats in the Mediterranean. My hubbie is dying to get his hands on an old Maltese latine rigged boat and do it up.

  7. Matthew,
    I think the series could use a little less dramatic music and hyperbole, but the message is clear. We can't go on much longer acting as though there is no problem. People can make a difference in their daily lives, by making informed choices.

  8. Bunty,
    I suspect your husband and I would find much to talk about!
    I recently received a set of plans from Gilberto Penzo for a sanpierota, which is not a lateen, but a lugger and equally beautiful.
    Here's some posts about it:
    I hope to begin building this boat later this year.
