DoryMan Index

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wooden Boats from Melbourne

I'd like to welcome Richard Monfries to the blog roll here at DoryMan. Richard has a new blog he calls Wooden It Be Nice and it promises to be just our cup of tea.
Richard is a member of the Wooden Boat Association of Victoria, how cool is that?

Thanks for your efforts, Richard and we will be in touch!


Photo from the Wooden Boat Association of Victoria's annual meeting, by Richard Monfries

Richard is also an avid cyclist, which is just so, in my book!


  1. Hi DoryMan
    Thanks for visiting my wooden boat blog (and the other one too).
    I'm on a mission to raise the profile on the web of wooden boating activities in the general vicinity of latitude 37 south. There's a lot to be told, photographed, filmed....


  2. Looking forward to future posts, Richard. Don't hear enough from down under around here.
