DoryMan Index

Monday, April 19, 2010

Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show 2010

Mid-Spring on the Pacific Coast and everyone who has been cooped up in their houses all winter take every opportunity to enjoy the sun, should it show itself for even a minute.

The local amateur and professional boat builders are no exception.

The tiny town of Depoe Bay, Oregon has the first boat show of the year in this area. It's a fishing village built around the smallest harbor in the world. Just a hole in the rocks with surf breaking all around, so that an uninformed mariner would not be able to see it as they passed by, as happened to explorers for several centuries.

Modern day explorers can find the Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show by the smell of fresh cooked crab at the annual Crab Feed.

Old friends and new gather here to exchange news and show off their latest projects. My friend Rick and I usually set up a boat building demonstration, though we are mostly preaching to the choir.

This year we planked up a lapstrake Round Bottom Pram, which was very popular. Lots of thoughtful questions from the old timers and many who found a new fascination. It's always a thrill to see someone freshly enthusiastic about the prospect of building their first boat. Occasionally that person will leave with the resolve to go home and start that boat they've always dreamed of. Makes it all worthwhile.

Here's a slide show for those who missed a beautiful weekend in Depoe Bay:

After all of the exhibits are set up the first day, we all gather for dinner at the local pub. It's hard to hear or speak over the din...

Supper at the Spouting Horn from ;doryman on Vimeo.

Doryman was interviewed by two young journalists from Japan and their interpreter. They also took several photos and promised to send some contact information when their story is published. When that happens, you'll be the first to know.


  1. Thanks for the report and the photos. Wish I could have been there with Ravn. My grandson was even more fun to look at than all those pretty boats, however.

  2. Whew, Brandon, I think the post wasn't quite finished when you commented, you might want to look at it again...
    We missed you and your new boat. There were a few old friends who couldn't make it as well, so we'll all have to catch up soon.
    Bring your grandson, we'll get him started early!

  3. I was there! Great show and great coverage. We really enjoyed it.

  4. And Phil, don't forget - we want to hear more about your Banks Dory...
