DoryMan Index

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Carolina Chocolate Drops, redux

Back when MTV first broadcast I was excited for the future of both music and video. I just love an experimental format for expressing art. It's curious what happens when a medium becomes popular and the vanguard goes over the top. Must be a product of capitalism, I don't know. But MTV died a long time ago for me. (same for capitalism)

YouTube is an exception. How will someone eventually work out how to make big bucks off videos made with an iPhone?

Hope it never happens.

Music of and for the People!!! Thank you, "deneicee"

DoryMan just went over the 100K hit mark (as did doryman on Flickr)
I thank all of you who made this happen! There is not much effort put forth here to promote all this traffic, just common good stuff. Life here in DoryLand. Thanks again to all of you!

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