DoryMan Index

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yaquina River Halloween

The Western Oregon Messabouts, AKA Coots, gathered for a fall run on the Yaquina river in western Oregon this week.

Around Halloween each year, there are spring tides that raise the river to it's maximum level, then ebb to a muddy minus.

Since the Yaquina has a tidal reach twenty six miles inland, this makes for some thrilling currents to ride with an oar or paddle powered boat. The scenery is just beautiful this time of year and late fall sun is a bonus.

Ten boats and fourteen Coots participated this year, which is a drop from last year, likely due to the mid-week tide.

The tide waits for no man.

Lets go to the video...

And the photos can be found on Doryman's Flickr, as usual.

Thanks again to Mary and her fabulous video editing skills!


  1. Michael and Mary
    Might row a wherry
    Or an Atkins design;
    Either is fine.

    Yaquina’s her name
    And she’s never the same;
    One day upon her
    Isn’t like any other.

    Maybe not serene
    But always painting a scene
    For eyes and ears, together
    In Oregon Coast weather.

    But whatever the day
    It’s a safe bet to say
    That Michael will share it
    And we’ll all enjoy it

    Come rain, sun or fog
    On Doryman’s blog,
    Where postings sublime
    Are worthy of time

    Spent leisurely viewing;
    It’s worthwhile doing
    For uplifting they are
    For those near and far.

    And if you’re from there
    But living elsewhere,
    A few minutes in Oregon
    Is like going to heaven.

    So, our thanks go to you
    Michael and Mary, too
    For sharing your hours
    And brightening ours.

    - Michael H.

  2. Michael,
    You move me to tears.
    I keep this blog for friends like you.

  3. Michael,

    Thank you so much for your fine verses! The Yearly Row is certainly worthy of poetry, as is living near this lovely river.
