DoryMan Index

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bring in the New

We've shared another year and as I was sorting through the months, looking for a favorite photo, none would come forth.
DoryMan has logged over a quarter million visits as of this week, and it's been a lot of fun. Hopefully you can say the same. If you're in the mood for a retrospective, please join me here.

Photo of the mast on Wayward Lass by Jamie Orr. Doryman in the distance.


  1. Congratulations on 250k, that retrospective is really neat - what did you use Google+ or similar?

    best luck and good fortune in 2012, there's a pint (or several) of "Hopping Hare" or "Thirsty Ferret" waiting at the Jolly Sailor any time you're passing this way.

  2. Yes, hearty congratulations. It's not just a wonderful effort but a marvelous contribution.

  3. It's fun having you guys around!

    I've forgotten the process, but yes, it's a Google thing. It's installed to the left under the heading "Cruise With DoryMan".

    Looking forward to another year. I hear this is suppose to be the last.

    In that case,

  4. Hello Doryman!!!
    Happy New Year!! And congratulations for the 250kVisits. I guess I'm a contributor as I'm addicted to opening your site every day and checking for News.

    Best Wishes even if some say so I dont believe it will be the last one.

    Viking in exile

  5. happy new year!
    where is the '"cruise with Doryman?" i would like to sign up. I would really really love to sail in one of these beautiful crafts. One with a big red sail! Maybe this year…?

  6. Very nice retrospective. I enjoyed it. I do like that picture of Saga with the BIG red sail.

    Hope to see you soon. I plan on many more fun times in 2012


  7. Christina and Hakan,
    I often wish that all my friends the world over could gather together at once. But I suppose this is the best we can do.
    When this adventure began, it was a self indulgent pastime with little or no purpose. Readers have defined the topics and I have been surprised and pleased to find so many like minded souls.

    The Voyage continues. And yes Brandon, there will be more, much more.

  8. That's fun, and congrats. It's little islands like this keep us all from drowning. Hoping 2012 is more bug-free than the previous version.

  9. Thanks for that great retrospective! Lots of great photos and videos. By the time I get through it all, it'll be time for the 2012 retrospective.

  10. We live in Paradise Barry - if only people would quit messing it up.

    Bob, it might be easier to just leaf back through the old posts one page at a time. The archive you are looking at spans more than four years. David Graybeal told me it took him three months to get caught up.
