DoryMan Index

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Doryman's Melonseed

The Melonseed hull is roughed out.

Patience is not a Doryman virtue, so waiting for glue to dry is a real challenge (or is it a cliche?)

The build continues on Flickr:
(photos will be posted there throughout this project).


  1. I'm following this with interest Doryman, the melonseed is a lovely boat and you don't see many over here. Maybe that will change. Keep posting updates, it'll be great to see her on the water.

  2. Pretty wood, lookin good.

    That first interior shot after the flip gave me a little catch of recognition I had to savor for a moment.

  3. Lookin' good! Can hardly wait to see her.

  4. Graham, for the first time in my life, I drew plans for a boat BEFORE she was built, so there will be plans available for this one. A few dimensions changed, so the offsets will have to be revised, which should happen this week.

    Barry, you cautioned me that my initial drawings were narrow in the bows, and the build proved you right, especially at mold station #1, which is the mast location. Good call. Some fullness up foreward is a good thing.

    I've been expecting you any day, Brandon. I have a rowing scull over here that needs to be tested.

  5. Interesting concept. Looking forward to the build progress.

  6. Plans eh? It'll never catch on.

    You are a crazy man, Michael.

  7. I thought you'd build the second and verify my design, then it goes viral and you get something for nothing.

    Crazy, eh? Only good friends call me that and get away with it.

  8. Build the second eh? Well maybe once Katie B is finished, if that ever happens. Who knows where the time goes?

  9. You're doing this in freezing weather? Must some kind of super duper glue or you like holding a hot air gun (which is probably the case). See Barry, he don't let no stinking little doorway keep him from making a real boat.;0) Funny you mention planks at frame #1. On all of our melons we let the strips run where they will on that one, pulling them in would pinch the bow too much. I'm going to make another hull to replace Laylah. These last two in the shop now had the sides raised three inches and a two and a half inch camber. It's not much but the hulls look much better. My camber is one and a half and most to the rest were three. It's amazing what that little bit does for the look. Dave

  10. So, Dave, you're saying a 2 1/2" camber looks best? I'll be at the deck framing stage soon and need to nail that down.
    Perhaps you could send me some pictures of the different shapes?

    Yes, it's pretty cold. Snow today. You can work with the same pot of glue all day.
    I've been thinking of pulling a trailer over to your place lately. You have room out in the boatyard, don't you?

  11. My three acres are filling up fast with all you cold weather boaters. Roger Allen said that he's going to build a little house boat and tie up to my dock in the winter, Buffalo, how can he stand it. Helen's sister made it out of Seattle just in time yesterday to beat the blizzard. Dave

  12. I heard the snow is two feet deep and rising. Glad your sis and wife made it out OK.
    60 mph winds and tons of rain here on the Oregon coast. A neighbor's tree fell on my car this morning.

    It has not been a good day in doryland.
