DoryMan Index

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Meanwhile, back at the Boatyard

This was suppose to be a quiet winter with the focus being the design and build of a Melonseed Skiff. Sorry to say, not much has happened with the 'seed in the last two weeks, but that will be remedied soon.

The next phase is framing the decks which, as you all know, is not glamorous and very time consuming. To see the progress to date, visit Doryman's photos.

So what has Doryman been doing? Taking long naps in front of the fire, no doubt.

I have one word for you: Stone Horse.
Well, that's two words.
One fine boat.

The weather has not been cooperative and snow doesn't help, but work is progressing on the Stone Horse, Belle Starr.

The Sandman has been doing what he does best.

If this isn't the most boring video you have ever seen.......

The bowsprit and boomkin from this boat were made of Black Locust and left untreated. These pieces weathered and checked, but after thirty years were still hard as wood gets. Unfortunately they had "fastening sickness" where they had been mounted to the decks and needed to be replaced. The new sticks have been shaped from an African hardwood named Limbali, which is also very dense. They received a primer coat of paint today.
The Limbali would varnish nicely, but a bright finish on a boomkin is for show boats.

We'll see some photos of those pieces as they are installed on the boat, later this month.

There is some rotten wood where the port cockpit deck meets the main bulkhead, which affected the bulkhead, the deck and the counter-top on the other side.

All the rot has been chiseled and chipped out, oh what a mess!
I'll spare you photos - just take my word for it.

The Ken Basset Firefly, Finesse has been a design challenge. She took a new finish nicely but the oarlock outriggers have been another story. This boat came with a retired set of twelve foot Concept II carbon fiber oars rigged for a six foot wide outrigger beam.

These technical oars would be fun and fast, though a bit too much for a man of a certain age.

The marine facilities around here are designed for big boats and the docks float high as a necessity. Approaching such a dock with outriggers that double the beam of the boat is difficult, if not dangerous.

So, Finesse will be "detuned" and employ 8.5 foot long oars. The outriggers slide between hull and inwale, and are removable to make docking and rafting-up easier. Several design mock-ups have gone by the board in an effort to make something that fits all these criteria. The verdict is, the oarlock stanchions you see in this photo will be adequate, but not pretty and Finesse deserves better.

But for now, let's get this boat on the water!

Remember the story of a Tree, a Storm and an Unfortunate Automobile? How the Evil Insurance Company refused to accept liability?... Well, the story has a Happy Ending.

Doryman is fortunate to have good friends who make personal sacrifices for others.

I'm very happy to tell you that these fine people (you know who you are!) chipped in and paid for a new windshield and the old van is back on the road, somewhat worse for wear
(a bit like its owner).

It's good to know you can count on your friends! I'm grateful as a man can be.

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