DoryMan Index

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Toledo, Oregon Wooden Boat Show

It's that time of year already. In Doryman's home port, Toledo, Oregon, the annual boat show is coming up this weekend. If you're in the neighborhood, please stop by and say hello.

The eighth annual Toledo Wooden Boat Show is a small town event with a big heart. You'll love it.

Toledo is seven miles east of the seaside town of Newport, Oregon, on the Yaquina River. You've heard a lot about this area if you are a regular reader. If you've never been to this show, you owe it to yourself and if you have, welcome back!

Of course the most fun is on the water so bring your boat. There is no limit to registration. For those who can't bring their own boat, they will find many free options for rowing, sailing and motor boat rides available.

Hope to see you there, Saturday and Sunday the 18th and 19th of August, on the waterfront. You can't miss it.


  1. Thanks for the heads-up, Michael. It'll be 101 this weekend where I live. It's gotta be cooler there. Had a wonderful time there last year. Lots of interesting --and surprising-- stuff going on, and lots of friendly boat people to hang out with. (and artists, musicians, and micro-brews) Never pass up the chance to examine somebody else's rigging problems.....

  2. Oh, I hope so. Lots of irons in the fire right now...but I'd hate to miss out on whatever surprises Toledo has in store. Hope to get there and see you and all those other famous people, too.
