DoryMan Index

Friday, February 22, 2013

An Oughtred Eun na Mara in Port Townsend, Washington

About four years ago (where did all the time go?) we heard of an Eun na Mara, that fine little cruiser from the board of Iain Oughtred, being launched in Venice, Italy. Then as now I am smitten by this design and have often dreamed of building one for myself. I know I say that often and it's always true. But if I could build only one boat in my lifetime, this could well be it.

With this in mind, you might imagine how pleased I am to see an Eun na Mara nearing completion right here in the Pacific Northwest.
David Jones, of Port Townsend, Washington is building his version at the Northwest Maritime Center, with help from the staff at that fine institution.

David has been working on his boat project for a couple years and I've heard about it from friends, but just recently contacted him to ask about his progress. It seems he is nearing completion and hopes to launch her in late spring:

 "Hi Michael,
I have visited your excellent doryman blog and have enjoyed it!
By May we should be in the water or very nearly so. I'm working 6 days a week full-time to keep this project progressing, and it is moving along on schedule. I'm now varnishing exterior parts, so I can mask and paint the topside. The spars now being varnished as well. Lots of labor, but I really enjoy working with the friends at the Northwest Maritime Center. Thanks for your interest, and we'll go sailing together when she's wet.
Best regards, 
David Jones"

A chance to go sailing in a beautiful new Eun na Mara on the transcendent waters of Admiralty Inlet is an offer I can't pass up!

David and friends. (Looks like a whiskey plank party.)

Fresh varnish and paint.

Nice shop area!

A well thought out design, artfully executed.

The proud owner. Very nice job, David.

The first two photos courtesy of Brandon Ford. The remainder by permission of David Jones.


  1. Very nice --- I look forward to seeing the finished boat...
    Dave could use a second shirt.

  2. I've been visiting Dave and his project every month or so since I saw it through the window. Great advertising for the Maritime Center to have a project like this going on. He's done great work, it has been inspiring asI slowly get my own Eun Mara project going.

  3. Looking forward to seeing Dave's boat on the water myself.

    Two Eun na Maras in the same town. Now that's a treat!
