DoryMan Index

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sail and Oar

First up is Myles Quick's Swampscott dory in Auckland New Zealand.
Miles has buildt a Swampscott dory, based on a design by Pete Culler, to enjoy the excellent sailing conditions in Auckland, which lies across a volcanic isthmus separating two harbours. Waitemata Harbour to the east opens on the Hauraki Gulf and the Pacific Ocean. Westward, Manukau Harbour opens to the Tasman Sea.
Miles recently launched his yet unnamed dory, in Waitemata Harbor, for a test sail.

From Miles:
 "Hi Michael,
"I have had a wonderful weekend of sailing, but still no pictures. The truth is that I don’t know how to take photographs when I am sailing alone - I am too busy trying to handle the ropes and tiller."

"The main thing is she sails very sweetly. I have only my current boat for comparison, and that is a Welsford Rogue but how different this boat is! She wallows not at all. I have become accustomed to sailing a snake-like path, with each gust of wind bringing the boat into wind, and me correcting with a great heave on the tiller. That doesn’t happen at all. She is incredibly good-natured and peaceful and just goes where she is pointed. You don’t even notice waves. The sea picked up a little bit on Sunday, but that just made it more enjoyable."

"My list of things I was testing:

1. Centreboard position and size (given that I moved both rear mast and centreboard back and changed the shape and size) seems perfect to me. There is never helm of any kind, and no leeway that I could notice.

2. Tippiness (sorry to use that word again) – none! This is a very stable and forgiving boat – perfect for what I want.

3. Size of rig – perfect for the conditions I experienced (10 knots)

4. Speed – nothing too exceptional, but very pleasing – similar to my current boat, but I think with room for improvement once I get the hang of things.

5. Windward ability – a bit disappointing – perhaps not as good as my current balanced lug. I think I am doing something wrong, because from what I have heard the sprit sail should be quite good. Maybe I am not flattening the sail enough (those ropes are quite heavy on the arm and hands!)

6. Going about – it takes a while, but seems pretty dependable.

7. Jibing – not a problem with the sprit sails, except getting caught up in ropes.

8. Raising and striking the rig at sea – no problem – I had to do this a couple of times because I went through a squally patch. Standing upright and walking about in a bit of sea was no problem at all. I just plucked the masts out, furled the sails and rowed 500m to shore. I am not sure a motor is necessary, because rowing is so easy, but I am sure I will be grateful for the motor-well some time or other.

9. Home-designed tip-up rudder (I copied Pete’s lines though) – this worked fine – after launching I tie a few knots to fix it in the down position. When I retrieve it I tie a knot to fix it in the up position - nothing fancy or complicated at all. The rudder can dismantle, but I leave it on the boat on the trailer.

10. Trailering – the completely flat bottom (with no fixed keel) works exceptionally well for retrieving from a rough sea. You just hitch and crank, and the boat very quickly gets centred by the bow guides (see picture below). There is no way for the paintwork/plywood to get damaged by a wave lifting and dropping the boat."

"All in all Pete Culler was spot on. This is a beautiful little beach-boat and quite different from the wonderful boats by Oughtred and Welsford, which tend to be wider and heavier with much more sail, but she does the job beautifully. For someone (like me) who wants the simplest, lightest, most canoe-like of rough-water boats I just can’t fault her."

"For the remainder of this beautiful New Zealand summer I will be trying to improve my skills, and also tweaking what I can to improve performance. At some stage I am sure I will figure out a way to get some pictures as well, and I will send them on with an update."

That's Miles' first mate, Izzy, getting in the way, as usual.

The winning combination of sails.

The test run.

Great job, Miles! And they say dories don't sail well.......

As a bonus we have progress reports on two Ken Basset Firefly designs nearing completion. Our second feature is Bayard Story's double Firefly under construction in California. His boat is identical to my Finesse, so we've had an extended conversation on the quality of these boats for some time.

I'm pleased to see Bayard making good progress. Keep up the good work, my friend!

More photos of the build can be found here.

We've recently heard from Lorenz Rutz and it seems he is just a few coats of varnish and paint from launching his single rowing station Firefly in Connecticut. This boat is built in the tape and glue method, as light as is practical. Lorenz has done a very commendable job and a few readers have requested his advise on building the Firefly without traditional framing.

Nice job, Lorenz.
I expect we'll see these boats on the water soon.


  1. As owner and sometimes sailor of a boat with a traditional dory form, my experience is that they don't go to weather terribly well. There are a lot of things I can do with Sparrow, but get her nose up close to the wind is not one of them. Ketch rig, which I also have, doesn't help any.

  2. It doesn't really matter if your tacking angle is a bit wider if you're so screaming fast you make up the distance. ;-)

  3. Hmm- am I to take this as a comment on the capabilities of my lovely little boat, dories in general, or simply as a general observation? I'll admit that Sparrow can more than get out of her own way, given a breeze to do it on, but I'm not sure she rates as "screaming fast." Kee's Fetch, for example, has outpaced (and outpointed) her on a number of occasions. Someday I'm going to re-do the centerboard and see if that doesn't bring her a few points more to weather.

  4. Your humility becomes you. I've made an effort to pace Sparrow and know intimately how handy she is. As for our friend Kees, no offense meant, but the man is a wizard at the helm.

    If you compare a traditional dory to a Laser or an E-scow, then perhaps you have a point. But I believe Miles when he says his dory out performs his Rogue. A very apt comparison, boat for boat, I might add.

  5. I took a look at the original post describing Sparrow - what a beautiful boat! I see she has a jib and boom - I suppose that must help somewhat when sailing into the wind?

  6. Indeed Miles, Sparrow's rig probably helps, although the jib is set flying and as such tends to sag off more than one set to a stay. She really doesn't point very well. And thanks for the compliment. Our friend Kees Prins was the builder- a man of pronounced and varied talents.

  7. I have to correct my earlier comment about this dory's windward performance - I have sailed some more and she is great. Monday saw smooth seas and gentle winds and my destination (Rangigtoto island) was directly into the wind, but nevertheless we made fine (and surprisingly quick) progress. The boat feels to be in harmony with the wind and the waves - very responsive and predictable.

  8. Good news, Miles. You must have found that magic combination!
