DoryMan Index

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pocket Yacht Palooza, 2013

Doryman took a long weekend and visited Port Townsend, Washington for the second annual Pocket Yacht Palooza. The show was scheduled for last Saturday and Sunday, though Saturday was the big event. By Sunday, everyone was restless and on the water to various destinations.

The Port Townsend Pocket Yachters are a relatively new group of seriously fun sail-and-oar affectionatos who are not likely to be found lounging on a beach very long before they are off on a new adventure. The success of this gathering is in the numbers. This year there were at least seventy five boats in attendance. The Commons area at the Northwest Maritime Center was so full, it was difficult to get a clear photo of any one boat.

An added bonus was the Tribal Journey, Paddle to Quinault, which featured 90 US Tribes, Canadian First Nations and New Zealand canoes joining the celebration. Fort Worden was an over night stop on this journey. We watched (from a respectful distance) the welcoming ceremony for the canoes, which stirs the heart.

The canoe takes a counterclockwise turn at the approach to the beach and a warrior stands in the boat and asks permission to land, while a welcoming party responds. There are a handful of photos in the slide show (link below...) and I hope to add more, as my companions send them in.

As always, your correspondent was too busy chatting to get many particulars, so I'll simply give you the photos and if you're interested in a particular boat, will try my best to identify it for you.

Organizer Marty Loken has posted more photos on the Pocket Yacht website.

What a great opportunity to visit with friends from near and far. Looking forward to next year already!

In case you missed the link - Photos can be found on Doryman's Flickr site.

The Pocket Yacht Palooza is sponsored by the Northwest Maritime Center, the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding, the Port Townsend Pocket Yachters, Small Craft Advisor Magazine and the Small Craft Skills Academy.

Thanks to all for such an excellent weekend on the water.


  1. I love the VeeDub splitty/handcart & pram combination. Truly he must be the coolest guy at the slipway.
    Must have taken him months to get the paintwork just right.

  2. I'll bet Aron spends more time on the water than most of us. Apparently he knows nothing about design, but cobbled together a boat that out-sails many larger boats. A surfer-genius type.

  3. Fun to see you there, Michael. I also posted my own trip diary of my visit to the Palooza here:

  4. Funny, I thought I just said that.

  5. Yeah Graham, the spammer bot picked up your comment, thanks a lot! I showed 'um who's boss around here and kicked them into cyberspace.

  6. Hello Doryman, I noticed a spam has been added to an earlier post too. Thanks for all the festival pics.

  7. Got them, too, Denis. Thanks a lot. No free rides on Doryman!
