DoryMan Index

Friday, December 27, 2013

Wild Rose

The rose has been the subject of legends, poetry and literature, and often represents love. A prickly wild rose grows prolifically on the Oregon coast, considered a nuisance by many.

Wild roses grow in my front yard and bloom through wind and rain, half the year and more. Tough little beauties. Blooms with thorns pretty much describe my romantic notions.

Wild Rose is the name of my new kayak, in the Doryman tradition of christening his row/paddle boats after local flora. She and I will be visiting a local tide marsh on the first day of the new year, we'll be sure to let you know how it goes. With the solstice behind us and the days growing longer in the Northern Hemisphere, this will be the first of many adventures in 2014.

I hope you will join me as the Voyage Ethereal continues...


  1. Hello Michael, thank you for another year of your great blog. Best wishes to you and yours for 2014.

  2. Hello Michael What a nice name. In Europe the fuits of the wild roses can be use as a kind of tea or a soup. Its absolutely crammed with vitamin C and the dried fruits can be stored for a very long time.
    Thanks for givng us so much joy reading your blog


  3. Thank you all. I've been a bit lax in posting this year, but hopefully things will pick up.

    Hakan, yes the wild rose has nutritious seed pods, and very tasty as a tea, just after the first frost. If left on the bush very long they get soggy, however.
