DoryMan Index

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Montague Harbor Rendezvous 2016

For several years, I've tried to attend the small boat gathering in Montague Harbor, Galiano Island, British Columbia. This is the first year I've visited early enough that the harbor wasn't crowded with yachts and campers.

 Lynn Watson in Katie Mae.
 Photo by Martin Schneider.

 Montague Harbour Marine Provincial Park is one of the most popular parks in the Gulf Islands. It is renowned for a west-facing beach covered in worn shells. The beach is, in fact, an ancient midden created by Coastal Salish people, who migrated through this area in search of food.
Montague Harbour is popular with the recreational boating community and the harbor is often crowded during the warmer months of June, July, and August.

Reeving a stray halyard through the main mast. 
 Photo by Martin Schneider.

Our small boat rendezvous is scheduled during the Memorial weekend in the States, thus avoiding the crowds that appear later in the summer. The bay is peppered with mooring buoys and there is a single Park dock to access a camping area, which is also used for mooring. The rest of us lie at anchor.

Jamie and Paul discussing breakfast plans.
 Photo by Martin Schneider.

Following the Rendezvous, a number of boats continue to sail for a few days to other, more remote destinations. Many of us in this herd of cats have sailed in company for several years and it would surprise everyone if the group stayed intact for more than a handful of days.

Belle Starr rides anchor behind Friendship in Princess Inlet, on Wallace Island. 
Photo by Martin Schneider.

That's the beauty of the Canadian Gulf Islands - there are so many wonderful and diverse anchorages - every one of them stunning. People are very friendly and considerate. It wasn't until back in US waters that our safety was compromised by yachts who's owners apparently do not know the Rules of the Road. Every small boat sailor has a catalog of stories relating to incidence of bullying by yachts that observe tonnage as a right-of-way. Perhaps we'll take up this subject one day. It's an increasingly dangerous blight on an otherwise superlative trip.

Marty Loken's recently restored Bill Garden Eel, Skye.

 Bob Miller in his Drascome Lugger, Sally Forth.
Photo by Marty Loken

Kirk Gresham keeps pace with Bob in his new-to-him Flika.
Photo by Marty Loken.

Jamie Orr also picked up a new (old) boat this year. It's a fine little schooner he's named Orkney Lass, after his home territory. More about this vessel in the near future...
Jamie is the organizer for this gathering and we rely on him and Paul Miller, on Friendship, for local knowledge.
 Doryman photo

 Lynn Watson at home in Katie Mae.
 Doryman photo.

Kirk and Paul came from Nanimo, Vancouver Island, BC in this no-nonsense Davidson 17. Kirk has sailed all over the Gulf Islands in this capable racing dinghy.
Doryman photo.

 Martin trying out his new balanced-lug sail-rig on his Chameleon, a nesting dinghy designed by Danny Greene.
The design originally had a sprit-rig, but Martin reports the balanced lug works just as well.

 Doryman photo

Chuck is in no hurry to get back to his boat, just admiring the scenery.
Who built that little pram for you Chuck?  ;-)

 Doryman photo

Belle Starr proved the thoroughbred she has always been, shaking off her injuries as though they'd never happened. We have been back for just a few days, yet we're already looking forward to our next trip into Canadian waters.

More photos can be found on Doryman's Flickr site.


  1. It was great to anchor with Belle Star again (and she shows not a bruise) and to host you and the other American skippers at "our" rendezvous. We look forward to hosting you again soon, but first we will be seeing you at "your" rendezvous in July at Sucia.
    It's just a few weeks away and I'm already looking forward to another fun time messing about in little boats with my friends.

  2. That is of course Belle Starr ......... Cursed ipad spelling demon!

  3. I checked out your posting about your recent class. Sure seems like the students enjoy themselves. Thank you for mentioning Belle to your readers - it's fun having your "peeps" following her progress.

    Belle is stronger than ever. How that can be is a mystery I will not question, only be thankful for.
