DoryMan Index

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blue and White

In the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland, summer comes suddenly with an overnight transformation. Ice which has formed over the last winter breaks up with vibrant violence and suddenly it is sailing season.

Last ice on a calm and sunny day outside Sappi Island near the coast of the Bothnian Sea - May 5th, 2011 - An exploratory excursion by Jan Eerala, Makholma Finland.

Blue and white - 8/5/2011 - Bothnian Sea from Jan Eerala on Vimeo.

Heikki, a man of about 70 living alone in the old house near the lighthouse, tells how the sound from the big ice formations were heard from the lighthouse a mile away when they crashed.

And by May 15th, the ice is gone.

Ice gone - 15/5/2011 - Sapin Ulkolasku from Jan Eerala on Vimeo.

This is the Voyage Ethereal.

Once again we thank Jan for his poetic sensibilities.

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