DoryMan Index

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Portland Wooden Boat Festival

Be sure to put the Portland, Oregon Wooden Boat Festival on your calendar for July.

The Willamette Sailing Club is joined by the Oregon Maritime Museum and Rivers West Small Craft Center in sponsoring a waterfront boat show, July 10th and family boat building July 8th, 9th and 10th.

The family boat building will be held July 8,9-10 at the Willamette Sailing Club, in conjunction with the WSC, the Oregon Maritime Museum, and the Antique Classic Boat Society.

Pictures from last years boat building event can be seen on the Rivers West Small Craft Center's photo gallery page.

Families can apply on the WSC website for the opportunity to build one of ten 12 foot Salt Bay Skiffs. If you are interested in participating, working as a volunteer or have other questions, please contact Chuck Stuckey poolstuckey(at)

Oregon Maritime Museum and RiversWest Family Boat Build from Chris Runge on Vimeo.

Activities also include classic wooden power and sailboats on display, waterfront history provided by Oregon Maritime Museum, music and food!

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