DoryMan Index

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Chebacco, ALUNA

As promised, here is an update on Aluna, the lapstrake Chebacco, 12years old, made new.

In northern Columbia the Kogi, as the custodians ('Big Brother') of Earth, have been looking down from their mountain at the activities of ‘Younger Brother’ (their name for the rest of humanity) and become frightened about how the world is changing. They believe there is a mind inside nature, that they call ‘Aluna’.

The Chebacco is a Phil Bolger design in a minimalist shallow water cruiser.

Aluna had sadly been left for  decade on a trailer under a tarp. This photo shows the cockpit sole removed. Fortunately the evil wood rot had not reached it's tentacles into the hull beneath.

Today, I'm happy to report, the offending microbe has been banished, repairs complete, and Aluna floats. My good friend, Doug and I shared the repair and he took on the task of refinishing the entire vessel. And what a gorgeous job. The rigging is roughed out, so sea trials could commence any day.

I'll let the photos speak for themselves...

(that object just off the bow is the lid on a tractor)

As the sun sets Aluna rests in her slip, waiting for rigging to be complete, to try her wings.


  1. Michael - she looks lovely, looking forward to seeing her under sail - one of Phil’s nicest designs I think.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wow! That's a lovely thing y'all have done. Congratulations.

  4. Thanks Andy. All credit goes to Phil Bolger.

  5. When a boat (or any other thing of beauty) is rescued from near death, the inspiration perhaps comes from the designer, but all credit goes to those who had the skill, determination, and love to see the job through.

    Happily,, I think that bringing back this beautiful boat has brought you back as well.

  6. You got that so right. For whatever reason that a boat (or a home) has gone into disrepair, a joy to see them come alive again, sometimes, as here, better than before.

  7. Like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again.

  8. Rise again, rise again!
    Though your heart it be broken and life about to end
    No matter what you've lost, be it a home, a love, a friend
    Then like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again!
