DoryMan Index

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 Where would be without it? Impossible to imagine. 

In the last year we've seen a lot. The global pandemic has been the biggest spotlight of all, highlighting the cracks and crevasses of human society.

Personally, for now, the worst has passed. Ignoring the pitfalls of aging... A topic for another day.

Today, lets do a doryman boatyard update, a virtual photo tradition.

First of all, we recently moved from here:

To here:

Doesn't look like a boat, does it? The bonus will, at last, be a venue for you-know-what. Let the boat mania begin!

The first news is the acquisition of Ralph Merriman's Pearl, Fleckerl.

Fleckerl is a Tom Campion design, the "Pearl". Ralph's build history is an interesting one. The boat is complete now, but has never been sailed, or even rigged. We plan to rectify that soon. 

Next up is a 1969 Ericson 23, Amber Rose, a vintage class of  the once popular entry level race/cruise family designs. Perfect for an aging sailor. I had her hauled out right away to remove several years of heavy marine growth. She's now cleaned of a few layers of mold and ready for cruising. She's berthed in the water, where fine tuning of rigging and systems is on-going. I've had her out for a few day-sails and, with a new set of sails, she'll do just fine.  

New topside and ablative bottom paint and she's ready to fly.

Her name came with the boat and for now I feel no need to change.

This is what a mussel farm looks like....

My very good friend, Bob Mitsch passed over the bar at the end of last year, a victim of the Covid monster. Weeks before, I had purchased an Iain Oughtred Whilly Boat from him. This is a dory Bob and his brother built and I feel honored to own it. It has a full rig that has never been tried. Can't let that challenge go unmet.
 RIP Robert, see you on the other side.

As you can see, this vessel is very much on the docket. An older boat, getting a make-over.

Had enough? There are more, but I think the work schedule is full for now.
All the very best, from the Doryman Boatyard. Cheers!


  1. Hey Michael, welcome back to the small world of blogging. Both the new residence and the old one look really nice and while I'm especially fond of pilot house flush deck yachts, the new abode would be my choice unless I was off and voyaging.

    Really like Fleckerl, Tom C's boats have a good reputation for speed, so very interested to hear how she sails.

    Looking forward to some more updates.

    Best regards


  2. Thank you, Max.
    You'd think with all the sitting around I've done in the last year, I'd have done more than gain weight. To tell the truth, I was surprised to find the year had slipped by. I hope to be more diligent in future.

  3. Hey Michael,
    I still remember with a smile that time you called out from your boat when I was rowing along the Port Townsend waterfront and we had that nice long conversation. I hope your health continues to improve and we get to hang out on the water again.
    All the best, Scott

    1. Hi Scott,
      Yes, I miss comradery on the water for sure! The pandemic has certainly put a damper on things.
      I plan to see the folks off from Olympia for the Salish 100 next weekend. Just one day for me, but it will be good to see old friends.

  4. Well, you don't post much these days, but you can still make me envious of your boat collection with just a few pictures. Well done. See you on the water next week!

  5. Bruce!
    Well, some of these boats will be for sale this year. Let me know if you see anything you'd like.

  6. Hello! While searching for info on the Welsford Penguin, I came across your site, what a delight! I'm a bit North on Camano Island. I'm looking to buy or build a trailerable cruiser. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the Penguin, any other designs you'd suggest for our waters, or opportunities you're aware of. If a phone call is easier, two one7, eight6 three, two51two. Thanks for all your joyful sharing. I look forward to digging through more of your old posts!

    1. Hey Jacob,
      The Penguin is a great boat. Lots of room for it's size. A friend built one and I was there for it's first splash. Very impressive.
      Another small cruiser I love is EuN Mara by Iain Oughtred
      Any of Iain's designs are a delight..
      There are many good boats on Doryman. I've had personal experience with most of them. They all get high marks in my book.

  7. Just following your blog and have noticed no new posts or changes in a long time. I hope all is well, but I have no way to find out. It seemed you were on the cusp of new activities with shoreside shops. Hope all is good!

  8. Ants, yes indeed it has been a long time. Much has happened, though not much progress. I do have news, and promise to relay soon. Good to hear from a friend!

  9. On the Off Center Harbor, there was a post for a Townsend Tern. The comments referred to a Doryman blog. Is that you? If so, the boat is superb and the adventures with the boat would make anyone envious.

    With the travels in the boat, I could see where the digital life (aka blogging) would be given a lesser priority.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Great stuff Michael. I´m always impressed with the volume and deepness of content your posts bring. Thanks for all this.
    Abraços (hugs) from Brazil, Jan Aten
    p.s My blog is back:

    1. Hello Jan! Good to hear from you. I know I've been remiss and neglecting my readers. Hope to catch up soon. Been tormented by health issues for a couple years now.

  12. Thanks, Michael. Yes, health issues, hope you overcame all those waves. Take care.
