Alec Jordan of Jordan Boats is at it again. He and Iain Oughtred have teamed up to create a smaller sistership to the St Ayles Skiff.

The Wemyss Skiff is designed for tandem rowing, with or without a cox. Alec launched the prototype four days ago, in Ullapool, Scotland.
He gets some last minute advice from Topher Dawson.

Our good friend and photographer extraordinaire, Chris Perkins, was there and sent in some photos which just about tell it all.

This is what Chris had to say:
"Alec Jordan won one of the raffle prizes at our [Loch Broom Skiff] Regatta back in August, a nights B&B accommodation in Ullapool. Since last weekend was the Guitar Festival he decided to redeem his prize."
"This also gave him a fixed point on the calendar to get the new Wemyss Skiff on the water (I was going to say finished but you will be only too familiar with boatbuilder optimism and finish dates). So after working non-stop for twelve days and with the varnish still tacky, Alec drove up from Fife last Saturday to splash the new design on Loch Broom. The words on the Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club site probably tell most of the story."

The Weymss Skiff is 16 feet LOA and 4 feet-9 inches extreme beam, lightweight and very seaworthy. If the St Ayles Skiff is a bit more boat than you need, the Weymss Skiff might just fit the bill.

Stay tuned......
I'm from Brazil and I want to buy the plans of this boat. Can Yoiu help me?
In the first sentence of this post you can click on the words "Jordan Boats", which is a link to the website of that name. You can order plans and kits there.
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