DoryMan Index

Monday, June 25, 2012

Rat Island

Last weekend the Puget Sound TSCA and the Port Townsend Pocket Yachters co-sponsored a day trip to the unfortunately named Rat Island conservation area at the entrance to Mystery Bay.

Doryman didn't make it, but Marty Loken did and took a few photos for our amusement...

"After Friday's torrential downpour, yesterday was mostly dry and warm--T-shirt
weather at Rat Island for much of the time, in fact. It rained early, but we
stayed dry until later in the afternoon, when the monsoons returned...just as
the last two boats were sailing over from Port Townsend. (Sorry, I didn't get
photos of the late-arriving boats--it was pouring by then and the camera was
stashed in a dry bag.) - Also accidentally erased a few other photos, including
one of Glenn Woodbury's Beach Pea...but yesterday's collection offered a wide
variety of boats, including two Rangers (12 and 20); two Oughtreds (Calendonia
Yawl and Whilly Boat), two Welsfords, a Whitehall, Core Sound 17 and others."

 Nik's Caledonia Yawl, Sutil

 A Caledonia Yawl and a Whilly Boat, each are Iain Oughtred designs.

 Randy's Core Sound 17. This boat is impressive. An all-around design, easy to sail.

 A Whitehall and a Ranger 12.

 Ranger 20. I don't know much about this boat, but she looks very capable.


 The line-up


Scott's Rogue, Lagniappe.
A John Welsford design

 The view from the marsh. Rat Island is a protected area and no camping is allowed. There are marina facilities at nearby Fort Flagler.

 Thanks for the pictures Marty!


  1. Yes Thanks for the pictures.... Some day we will join ya

  2. Another great looking event - are you sure you're not doing this just to make us jealous!!!

    Love that yawl on the pocket yacht link 7612 - any idea what she is?

  3. Been watching for you, Richard.

    Max, I'm not sure which boat you're referring to. But if I know you, it's probably Lynn Watson's "Katie Mae", a 21ft. Drascomb Peterboat canoe yawl (clinker built).
    Which is for sale by the way...

    Pardon me for bragging. How can I help it, when living so close to some of the best cruising grounds in the world?

  4. You got somethin' against rats, DM?

  5. Yes my friend, afraid I do. Nasty little buggers.

    If you search for "rat island" you will find little islands all over the world.

  6. Officially, it's called Flagler Spit; and on a minus tide (-1.0 ft. or lower), it is connected to Fort Flagler State Park. Rat Island is the local name, works fine for me.

