DoryMan Index

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sucia Rendezvous, Countdown

I won't bore you with details about itinerary or course because I haven't a clue. But a cruise of any kind requires much the same preparation.

Is the boat seaworthy? Saga has been completely re-caulked and painted. She's a boat of a certain age who holds her years well.

Last season suggested some changes and the first is, lighten your load. I'll be on the water approximately two weeks, no need to take two months worth of food, as happened last year. Perhaps the extra provisions were simply wishful thinking.
Because the truth is, I could spend the rest of my life living from anchorage to anchorage. Two weeks is just not enough.

This year Saga will sport a jib. The theoretical implications might be endless, though I am willing to just see what happens. Though a designer by training, I prefer to learn by educated trial, with intuition as the impetus. There is an element of art in boat building which beguiles the scientific and mathematical.

You might also know that I support recycling and repurposing. There was this old wood box full of junk in the shed that once belonged to a shipwright from the steel yards after the last world war. He was a simple old man who lived close to the earth and saved everything. When he passed, imagine the cornucopia of hardware he left behind. This box probably has a history beyond my years. Never, in  the thirty years I've had it has the old wood box had a lid, but now it does. (made from leftover scrap).

The green bag holds the head.

 As the more astute will note, the top of the box is the perfect size for my old Salish Sea cruising atlas, which predates the Salish Sea by more than twenty years (1980). New technology has it's place, but much of the datum on these charts is close to a hundred years old, so a chart from 1980 is just as helpful as your newest GPS. Please note that the lid is reversible and upside-down it will make a fine dining tray (the mess kit is inside)..

Next to the old/new box is 200 feet of new anchor rode on the spare, collapsible anchor. I had to use this backup anchor last year and the old rode was simply unacceptable.

To the rear of the cockpit is Saga's new sign board. Beautifully done by Brandon Ford.

You've all heard about the new deadeyes. This photo is included here because it's incredible.

The cockpit tent we threw together last year was a failure. It leaked. This time there will be a new tent. Possibly a bit of over-kill, this new design is made from 10oz. vinyl coated nylon. The material must have been weighed before coating, because it's heavy as a truck tarp. A 20# (total weight) tarp is much more than enough. At any rate, it's not done yet but I'll post a picture as soon as it is.

Only a few days left until Sucia Island Rendezvous 2012. It's going to be great.


  1. Nice box lid, Michael. Looking forward to seeing your pictures of this year's gathering.
    - Michael H.

  2. Hi Mike. Are any other Coots coming? I bought extra beer but haven't heard any discussion from the group.

  3. Looking forward to the reports and photos of this year's outing. I've penciled next year's Sucia Rendezvous into the calendar - may have to rearrange other annual outings to make it. The plan would be to bring "Gardens of Fenwick."

    Thanks for a couple of ideas to incorporate into the new build.

  4. If you haven't, have a look at Snoring Bay - my favorite on Sucia.

    The Friday Harbor Chamber of Commerce told me to tell you that it's in the rain shadow of Orcas Island so it never rains there in July.

  5. O'Dock, you're funny as always. Last year there were about four days out of sixteen that were full-on sun. There were two days of deluge. One of those days, I spent huddled in a leaky tent in off-shore foulies - couldn't even get out a book for fear of destroying it.

    This year will be different. If I have a bulletproof tent, it will not rain.

  6. Joel, I know Chuck Gottfried is coming and he can put away a healthy amount of beer. Frank Mabrey will also be there (but he doesn't drink).

    Chuck is leasing a boat out of Anacortes and bringing his wife, so he will be on a big plastic boat. He will be sailing in company with a couple who own a C&C.

    I thought John Kohnen might be there, but haven't heard anything from him in awhile. There might be a few others, you never know - they're an unpredictable bunch, those Coots.

    Bob, it will be great to see "Gardens" in the Islands. Hope you can make it. This trip will be on the 12th-14th next year. If you can, set aside at least a week afterward for some extended sailing.

  7. I've always wanted to go to the Rendezvous, but the timing wasn't right. Have fun. I'm going next year for sure.

    Say, talk to us a little about anchors and small boats- what type(s) do you like to use? Strategies?


  8. I use a small Danforth for a boat that weighs less than 800 pounds. It has ten feet of 5/16" chain, so if it doesn't get a good hold due to kelp or poor bottom, the weight will hold it down.
    In the San Juans and north, the water is deep so a long rode is necessary. It's not unusual to anchor in thirty feet of water, which would require two hundred feet of anchor line in a storm.

    It'll be good to see you when you do make it, Bruce. The fun is guaranteed.
