Sunday, February 26, 2023

Greatings from Doryman

The voyage ethereal continues apace...

 When this weblog was introduced, I didn’t really know where to take it. Then, I found the beautifully functional designs of Iain Oughtred! Web searches turned up little, so I decided to profile some of his work here. Those who have been around for a while may remember what blossomed into profiles of small boats of all kinds, with emphasis on home-builders and their creations. Today, the Internet is awash with gunkholing vessels of many types and documentation of their creation. The community I once envisioned has arrived and I am so happy to be part of it. After forty years as a wood boat builder and builder’s advocate in the workspace, I’ve passed on the baton.

 Make no mistake, I continue to sail and have a few projects languishing here and there, as health allows. For now, I have exciting news. From the days when I first learned to sail, my experience was with small wooden keel boats. Then came the Gougeon Brothers with their plywood and glue methods, revolutionizing home boatbuilding forever.

 While I’ve embraced new materials and methods, my heart still lies with hand-built vessels made of living trees. To be sure, although some are still being built, the planked wooden boats of yore are an anachronism today. I’ve lived and breathed this transition, so in some ways, I suppose that makes me anachronistic, too. So be it.

 Enter Etta May, a Friendship sloop built in 1960. Carvel planked cedar on oak frames, it doesn’t get much more traditional than that. She’s 27 feet LOD (on-deck) with a 6 foot extreme beam and 32 feet over-all She has a short spruce mast, supporting a gaff rigged mainsail, running backstays and all. I could be twenty years old again! Various sized jibs (hanked-on) and spinnakers complete the rig.


Auxilary power is a small diesel motor, but you know how Doryman feels about motors of all kinds.

Please note the mount for a sculling oar.

A realistic survey of this 63 year old shows her age. We may be on our last dance, who knows? All I can tell you is, I’m happy to be here.

 A new/old chapter in the Voyage Ethereal.

New Skipper.

The only gaff rig in the bunch.

Isn't she beautiful?


Anonymous said...

And lucky me, I get to look at her graceful lines every day.

doryman said...

And who might that be?...

EyeInHand said...

Wait, I'm confused. You shacking up with this old lady now?

Hope so, she's a beauty.

doryman said...

Shhhh! Yes my new squeeze. Just between you and me?

Bursledon Blogger said...

She is lovely - Etta May that is since I haven't met the new squeeze but sure she is too.

doryman said...

Hey, Max! Long time, my friend! Hope you and your's are well.

Bruce B said...

Welcome back Michael! Nice to see pics of your latest love.

doryman said...

Thank you, Bruce.

Clark said...

Sweet boat, she'll be wanting a cute dinghy to tow. Whatcha gonna do?

Huzzah, Clark and Skipper

doryman said...

Yes, a detail under consideration. I've sold two good candidates in the last year, unfortunately.
I do have an Iain Oughtred Whilly Boat that, though it's too big to stow on deck will make a good companion for now. Stay tuned.

Aimee Edwards said...

Nice posst